Things To Know Before Trying Kratom

CBD and other hemp-derived products have become widely-accepted in recent years. While some people still have hang-ups about this entire category of products, it’s safe to say that there’s not very much controversy surrounding it anymore.

The same cannot be said about everything in our catalog. Apotheca sells several products derived from the Southeast Asian evergreen tree known as kratom. And even though the tree’s leaves have been used in traditional medicine for upwards of 200 years, there’s broad divergence of opinion about its value, effectiveness, and safety.

As with most medicinal products, there are some people who swear by kratom and some who would never touch it. We’re happy to provide the highest quality product to the first group, but that doesn’t mean we want to bury the perspective of the second.

We think it’s important for you to draw your own conclusions about kratom or any other substance you consider using as a natural solution for managing pain, anxiety, fatigue, and so on. Toward that end, below are some basic points you’ll hear from each side of the kratom debate.

Reported Benefits:

  • Stimulant effect: In low doses, kratom is a more powerful stimulant than caffeine. For some users, its main purpose is to provide a quick and effective boost to energy and mood.
  • Aphrodisiac: The stimulant effects of kratom often seem to go hand-in-hand with an increased sex drive, making it somewhat popular as a bedroom helper in cooling relationships.
  • Pain relief: Kratom is known to act on opiod-receptors, and one of its active ingredients is considered more powerful than morphine. So it’s no wonder that it’s traditionally been used to treat chronic pain.
  • Opioid alternative: The natural pain-relieving effect also has the benefit of alleviating chemical dependency on prescription opioids. Kratom shouldn’t be considered a substitute for professional treatment by anyone who is experiencing serious addiction. But some users have found it to be a good tool for reducing withdrawal symptoms when weaning themselves off of a more addictive pain reliever.
  • Fast-acting, long-lasting: Whether used as a stimulant, an opioid, or a marital aid, the effects of kratom usually become apparent within 10 minutes of ingestion, then last between two and five hours.

Possible Concerns:

  • Side effects: As with most medicinal substances, there is a list of known side effects for kratom use. Most of these are mild and they include constipation, changes in blood pressure, and insomnia. But more serious side effects are possible, so if you choose to use kratom, you should monitor its effects closely and be prepared to discontinue use.
  • May be habit-forming: While kratom can possibly be used to manage the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, there’s some possibility that using it for this purpose will resulting in trading one addiction for another. Kratom is unlikely to be immediately or severely habit-forming, but if you’re prone to dependency, it’s probably best to be extra cautious.
  • Uncertain legal future: In 2016, the US Drug Enforcement Agency considered listing kratom as a controlled substance. This never happened, and the substance isn’t flagged by most drug screenings, but some US states have gone ahead with making it illegal in their own jurisdictions. More restrictions are possible, so if you’re planning to try kratom you shouldn’t take it for granted that it will always be as readily available as it is now.


If the above concerns don’t overwhelm your interest in exploring kratom’s benefits, we recommend taking some common-sense steps to guarantee the safest possible experience.

  • Do not use kratom with any other drugs.
  • Start with micro doses to make sure you have no adverse effects.
  • Never use more than the recommended dose.
  • Monitor side effects and stop immediately if they ever get worse.
  • Only purchase kratom from a trusted retailer, so you can be sure what you’re getting is pure and natural, with a consistent quantity of psychoactive ingredients.