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No Longer Overlooked, Delta-8 THC Shows Promise for Medical Cannabis Users

April 24, 2020
April 24, 2020
3 min read
  1. No Longer Overlooked, Delta-8 THC Shows Promise for Medical Cannabis Users

Currently, the mainstream cannabis market is dominated by two categories of products: those with CBD as their active ingredient and those that feature Delta-9 THC. At a glance, these two chemical compounds seem to be the only essential components of medical marijuana. But there are other, unsung heroes in the hemp plant’s composition, and some offer their own unique benefits. Chief among these is Delta-8 THC, which is available through our store in the form of cartridges, edibles, and even tinctures.

While Delta-9 THC is the main source of cannabis’ psychoactive effects, Delta-8 is chemically similar but much less potent. CBD, on the other hand, is well-known for having powerful medicinal properties but no psychoactive effects. You can think of Delta-8 THC as occupying a sort of middle ground between the two more familiar cannibinoids. It shares some of the medicinal properties of both Delta-9 and CBD, while also providing a part of the buzz associated with normal cannabis use.

For most people who try Delta-8 products, the psychoactive effects take the form of clear-headed relaxation and a pleasant, all-over physical sensation. While some people report that the buzz from Delta-9 THC comes with negative side-effects like paranoia or a loss of focus, these are typically absent when the same people use Delta-8 products.

Because of this difference, Delta-8 THC often turns out to be a better option for casual or prolonged use. Customers who need reliable relief from pain or anxiety may find it useful to keep Delta-8 cartridges loaded into a vape pen so they can carry it with them throughout their daily routines. The subdued THC effects are unlikely to have an adverse impact on work, errands, or family life.

On the other hand, those who keep their medical cannabis usage separate from ordinary life might still prefer Delta-8 to Delta-9 THC. This comes down to the individual’s needs, past experience, and personal preferences. If you enjoy the pleasant effects of Delta-9 but find that you struggle with the come-down, it may be worthwhile to make the switch.

As mentioned above, Delta-8 THC tends to get less attention than its more psychoactive alternative. Therefore, its unique benefits are just starting to be understood. Both types of psychoactive cannabinoid are similarly effective in treating chronic pain and anxiety. But Delta-8 is increasingly well-recognized for its anti-emetic properties, as well. In other words, it has been shown to reduce nausea and to promote a healthy appetite. The relevant laboratory tests also show that Delta-8 is safe for clinical use in all patients.

Research is still needed to establish the full medical potential of Delta-8 THC. But so far it has shown promise as a supplement to cancer treatment and as a “neuroprotectant,” making it potentially useful in the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This is certainly consistent with the compound’s reputation for promoting clear-headedness. But news of such advanced medicinal qualities may come as a surprise to people for whom Delta-8 products have always been overshadowed by Delta-9 and CBD.

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