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How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?

June 10, 2021
Delta 8
June 10, 2021
Apotheca Blog: How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in Your System
5 min read
  1. But what is Delta 8 THC?
  2. How long do its effects last?
  3. How long does it stay within your system?
  4. Can you clear it out of your system more quickly if necessary?
  5. Should you be worried about passing that drug test?
  6. What are the best Delta 8 THC infused products available for purchase?

Delta 8 THC is quickly becoming one of the most popular THC products you can find. Similar to how CBD enjoyed (and is still enjoying) a huge craze thanks to its relaxation and even medicinal benefits that can be enjoyed without ‘getting high,’ so to speak (to the point where some CBD products are even, in some cases, medically approved for children with epilepsy), Delta 8 THC has been turning heads for clear and obvious reasons.

But what is Delta 8 THC?

Most people who consume cannabis will be aware of Delta 9 THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that translates to many of the effects felt. However, Delta 8 THC is a form of THC that feels more milder, more controllable, and less heady than its counterpart. For that reason, it’s preferred by people who wish for a smoother experience, and less of a psychoactive effect. In that way, somewhat similar to CBD, people opt for Delta 8 THC when they hope to relax, and avoid some of the more irkesome consequences, such as anxiety, that can come when inexperienced or using Delta 9 THC at the wrong time (such as before work or when having to engage in responsibilities).

How long do its effects last?

Of course, even if the effect is milder, it can be nice to know just how long you should expect the effects of any cannabis product to last. Generally, the effects of vaping Delta 8 or using it in a vape oil or tincture are rather immediate. The effects are usually expected to last anywhere from four to six hours, peaking at around 90 minutes after you have ingested the product.

For this reason, unlike CBD, it’s still important to plan your day around your cannabis usage to practice the most responsible enjoyment. This is recommended by all worthwhile dispensaries.

How long does it stay within your system?

If you have a job that regularly drug tests you, or you plan to apply for a new position, or you just want to know how long it’ll be before the THC is out of your system, it’s worth keeping the exact timings in mind before you ingest it. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and so depending on how much you take and what product you take, and your own individual makeup, results may vary.

Furthermore, the type of test undertaken will often determine how long it’ll be before you’re in the clear. For instance, a hair follicle test can detect THC particles for up to two months after consumption, but this isn’t always the most popular form of official test, as THC in hair follicles can come from anywhere (such as walking past someone smoking a pre-roll on the street), and do not necessarily prove that you’ve been using THC-based products. Blood tests and saliva tests are much more common, as are urine tests. You will usually be able to clear the former tests within two days, while the latter urine test can take up to ten days to clear. Be mindful that these aren’t exact measurements, as there are many variables involved here.

Can you clear it out of your system more quickly if necessary?

Of course, the best thing to do is to pre-empt your usage of these products as appropriate. Leave at least a week before you have to return to work or before you need to get tested. However, there are a few methods you can use to potentially help Delta 8 THC clear out your system faster and more readily.

However - here’s a disclaimer. Do not commit to anything that may put your health at risk, or that may feel irresponsible. It’s not worth risking your health to clear out Delta 8 THC from your system no matter what odd techniques you may have read on the internet, especially when the compound itself will naturally move through your system without harm.

That said, drinking plenty of water is a great way of clearing your system of THC metabolites, as the increased frequency of urination will help you pass it more easily. Furthermore, Vitamin B-12 and electrolytes, like potassium, salt and zinc, can help you replace your lost nutrients from urinating more frequently. Exercising is also a good technique, as is drinking cranberry juice and eating high protein foods. If you mitigate these measures properly, you’ll have a better chance of Delta-8 THC clearing out of your system more quickly.

Remember, however, that results aren’t guaranteed.

Should you be worried about passing that drug test?

If you consume Delta 8 THC responsibly and do so before you have to return to work, then there’s nothing to worry about. Of course, in legal states, your autonomous usage of these products is left to your best judgment and discretion. In legal and verified states, these are natural, non-harmful and even healthy products to take in moderation, but of course, it’s advisable that you read through your work contract and make sure you take full responsibility for any actions you take as you decide to take them.

You can be sure, however, that Delta 8 THC infused products have been carefully balanced to offer only the best, cleanest cannabis consumption as appropriate.

What are the best Delta 8 THC infused products available for purchase?

We have spoken about the best way to consume and prepare for taking products encompassing Delta 8 THC, but which products are the best, the cleanest, and the most enjoyable to take?

Thiis is where Apotheca comes in. They offer a range of excellent products, from incredibly tasty and balanced Delta 8 THC Gummies and Edibles, fully natural Indoor Hemp flowerswith no added pollutants or toxins, as well as impressive Delta 8 THC Distillates ready to refill your vape cartridges as is most appropriate. In that sense, you’re sure to get the best quality experience when trying Delta 8 THC infused products for the first time.

We hope this advice helps!

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