Bling instant cleaner : Pyrex-glass-metal-ceramic Buy 16oz Bling Instant Glass Cleaner - All Natural - 16oz, at an...
Product SKU | 2346-24150
Buy 16oz Bling Instant Glass Cleaner - All Natural - 16oz, at an Apotheca dispensary near you, or online 4 BEST THC ONLINE, FREE SHIPPING!* This is great, all-natural cleaner for Pyrex, glass, metal and ceramic.
Bling has exclusive AbrasivAction technology, eliminating the need for soaking and scrubbing. Just shake, rinse and get sparkling results!
No Soaking. Instant Cleaning Power. BLING makes your glass shine!
Specially formulated for daily cleaning but also effective for the toughest jobs! Get amazing results every time.
Made in the USA. Easy to follow instructions. Cleans and Deodorizes in seconds. Get more cleanings per ounce than all other cleaners.
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