Apotheca Delta-9/CBD Infused Hybrid Seltzer D9 fizzy water
Product SKU | 1884
Buy Apotheca Delta-9/CBD Infused Hybrid Seltzer at a dispensary near you or right here online, where purchases more than $49 get free shipping!* And these THC fizzy waters go way beyond the competition in flavor, ingredients and effect!
Clean, crisp and refreshingly tasty, the Pineapple Express and Georgia Peach fizzy water gets a real boost with D9 nanoemulsion. Water molecules become THC delivery mechanisms, increasing the bioavailability of D9. In short, you feel it fast. Tastes good too!
The perfect amount of tasty fizzy water flavor. The perfect D9 hit.
*We ship where legal. All THC orders require adult signature.
The THC experience makes this cannabinoid a favorite for delta-9 fizzy water fans. It has 100% legal, hemp-derived delta-9, whose chemistry is exactly the same as the delta-9 found in legal-state marijuana. Since legal hemp contains less than 0.3% of delta-9, this favorite cannabinoid comes from many plants.
Preserving THC in edibles, through extraction, has always been very efficient way to capture the full power of cannabis. Nanoemulsion is the only way to get the full power of delta-9 THC in a delicious sparkling water. It's refreshing and refocusing at the same time!
Remember- D9 edibles that contain this euphoric ingredient are more potent than the weaker delta-8 and delta-10 THC edibles. The effect is not to be taken lightly, so it's important to start low and go slow, especially for newcomers to cannabis edibles.
The D9 nanoemulsion in fizzy water can be felt as quickly as a few minutes, but waiting up to half an hour is recommended before drinking another and getting an additional dose of D9. It may take you much less D9 to meet your needs than it does for another. So, drink in moderation.
For those have problems with alcohol but none with cannabis, D9 fizzy water may be a perfect solution to quit drinking! THC provides a pleasing effect but without the harm to the body alcohol produces. You have an endocannabinoid system made to work with THC, unlike alcohol which taxes the liver and nervous system.
Now you can have it right in hand- the perfect 30mg buzz in a fast-acting liquid! So, you will feel the effects more quickly than with standard edibles that you eat. Being liquid, it gets through the digestive system and into the blood stream much more quickly than solids which have to be broken down first.
*Free shipping on orders more than $150
*New shipping packaging designed to protect your drinks
*If dented, cans remain drinkable and not eligible for returns
*Drinks excluded from free shipping
*Customers receive six (6) cans of one flavor per order
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