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Where to Buy THCV Online

August 25, 2021
August 25, 2021
7 min read
  1. What are the effects and benefits of THCV?
  2. Where can I find THCV?
  3. High-THCV cannabis strains

Let’s start by getting to know what THCV actually is. Put simply, THCV is short for tetrahydrocannabivarin. It is a compound that can be found in cannabis that offers a unique array of effects and medical benefits. This is what sets it apart from other cannabinoids like THC and CBD (which tend to be better k nown and more commonly talked about). Whether you’re a medical marijuana patient looking for a particular type of relief from THCV, or a casual consumer seeking out a specific effect, it’s good to get to know more about this interesting compound and what it can do for you. Understanding THCV can also help you to get the absolute most out of it, using it to its full potential.

What are the effects and benefits of THCV?

As you may have guessed from its name, THCV is similar to THC in a number of ways, namely its molecular structure and psychoactive properties. However, there are differences, which is why it’s classified as a different compound. THCV does provide an array of significantly different effects to what you would find when using standard THC. Here are a few to focus on.

  • First, let’s note that THCV is an appetite suppressant. While THC can enhance the appetite, encouraging snacking and other food-related activities, THCV tends to dull the appetite. While THCV shouldn’t be used to encourage yourself to undereat, it could be useful for you if you're looking to lose weight and struggled to keep yourself within your recommended calorie count usually. It should definitely be avoided by anyone who is underweight or receiving treatments for conditions such as appetite loss or anorexia.
  • THCV could help with diabetes. A number of studies have shown that THCV may be able to help regulate your blood sugar levels and reduce your insulin resistance. Talk to your doctor if you’re interested in whether THCV could help your diabetes.
  • If you experience panic attacks, THCV could help to reduce these too. It looks as though THCV may be able to curb anxiety attacks in PTSD patients, without necessarily suppressing their emotions in the way that other medications might.
  • THCV could also potentially help with Alzheimer’s. It has been found that tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease could be improved by THCV. Of course, research into this area isn’t conclusive or fully complete, but this could be a benefit we could look forward to in the future.
  • A final point to focus on for now is that THCV could actually stimulate bone growth. Studies have found that it can promote the growth of new bone cells, meaning that studies are currently being conducted into THCV and its use for patients experiencing osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.Start out by looking for African sativas. A number of studies have produced laboratory results that show that THCV tends to be most abundant in sativas. In particular, landrace strains from Africa tend to be high in levels of THCV, so this is a good place to get your journey set off. If you’re looking for a common THCV strain, Durban Poison tends to be one of the most popular options, with high THCV levels.
  • As with buying any product, it could be a good idea to learn more about the parent genetics of any THCV high strains you’re interested in buying. Alongside African sativa, there are plenty of strains that have been hybridized with these African genetics that can help to predispose them to a higher THCV potential. A commonly used alternative to Durban Poison is Cherry Pie, which can be found to express a high THCV content thanks to one of its parent plants being Durban Poison. If you have any questions about the parent genetics of any of our products, don’t hesitate to get in touch. A member of our team will help you to learn more.
  • If you are ever in doubt about a strain you’re interested in, you can always request test results. Remember that while genetics can indicate a potential for high HTCV content, alone, they can’t guarantee a high-THCV content. It’s also important to bear in mind that cannabinoid contents can also vary from one harvest to another. So, if you are unsure, you can always request lab testing to find out more about the strains you’re interested in.

Where can I find THCV?

If any of this sounds good and you’d like to give THCV ago, you should start looking into high-THCV strains and products. Of course, not many people know where to start with this search, having never used THCV before. When you start searching, you may be disappointed to find that the majority of strains you can easily find only contain trace or even undetectable amounts of THCV. This makes it difficult to actually gain the therapeutic effects you may desire in the first place. However, you can rest assured that as demand for THCV grows, we will see more THCV-rich products being introduced to stores. For now, you can find a significant range of THCV products that we’ve specially picked and produced here at Apotheca.

Choosing your THCV

Of course, you may still not really know what questions to ask or which of our THCV products would be best for you. So, here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to determine which products may best tick your boxes.

  • Start out by looking for African sativas. A number of studies have produced laboratory results that show that THCV tends to be most abundant in sativas. In particular, landrace strains from Africa tend to be high in levels of THCV, so this is a good place to get your journey set off. If you’re looking for a common THCV strain, Durban Poison tends to be one of the most popular options, with high THCV levels.
  • As with buying any product, it could be a good idea to learn more about the parent genetics of any THCV high strains you’re interested in buying. Alongside African sativa, there are plenty of strains that have been hybridized with these African genetics that can help to predispose them to a higher THCV potential. A commonly used alternative to Durban Poison is Cherry Pie, which can be found to express a high THCV content thanks to one of its parent plants being Durban Poison. If you have any questions about the parent genetics of any of our products, don’t hesitate to get in touch. A member of our team will help you to learn more.
  • If you are ever in doubt about a strain you’re interested in, you can always request test results. Remember that while genetics can indicate a potential for high HTCV content, alone, they can’t guarantee a high-THCV content. It’s also important to bear in mind that cannabinoid contents can also vary from one harvest to another. So, if you are unsure, you can always request lab testing to find out more about the strains you’re interested in.

Remember, if you’re ever in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask. A friendly member of our time will be more than happy to discuss your needs with you and can make recommendations, based on their thorough training, expertise, and experience, to help match you to the perfect product. As with any new product, it may take a little trial and error before you find the perfect THCV strain for your needs and preferences. But we aim to get you there as quickly and effectively as possible!

High-THCV cannabis strains

If you want to make your journey as easy as possible, it’s good to opt for strains that tend to be high-THCV regardless of where you find them. They are commonly sold in flower form, but if you have other preferences, bear in mind that they can be processed into extracts, oils and even edibles for a higher concentration. Just note that if you use a vaporizer, THCV has a boiling point of 428 °F (220 °C), so you’ll need to turn it up higher than you would when using THC. Some common options to consider include Durban Poison, Red Congolese, Jack the Ripper, Willie Nelson, Pineapple Purps, Doug’s Varin, Power Plant, and Durban Cheese.

Hopefully, some of the information above will help you to find the right THCV for you. Again, if in doubt, please get in touch. We’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction!

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