Snapdragon’s Goat’s Milk Lotion, infused with full-spectrum CBD, has profound pain-reducing and relief properties...
Product SKU | 3414H-2824
Snapdragon’s Goat’s Milk Lotion, infused with full-spectrum CBD, has profound pain-reducing and relief properties. Hemp is a cousin of medical cannabis and contains the cannabinoids found in marijuana, including CBD. Unlike THC, CBD is a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid and does not cause users to feel “high” or “stoned.” Instead, it is known for its ability to treat inflammation and chronic pain. This lotion combines the healing benefits of goat milk with the powerful effects of CBD to help relieve pain naturally.
Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of CBD and Delta-8 extend beyond oral ingestion and combustion via smoking. This lotion allows you to relieve pain and soreness throughout the body while simultaneously offering the smoothing properties of goat’s milk.
Rub some of this lotion on and you’ll feel the relief you’ve been looking for! This bottle of lotion contains 340mg of CBD and 340mg of Delta-8.
Since CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, it can help with everything from headaches to arthritis pain or pain from past surgeries. This lotion is also loaded with protein, fat, Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, selenium, and copper, all of which have diverse health benefits.
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