D9 Softgel Caps - Microdose - 1mg - 60ct

Brand: cbdMD

  • (60) D9 softgel capsules: 660mg total delta 9
  • Formulated to help you 'chill,' with softgel ease
  • 11mg total cannabinoids per softgel, 660mg per tin
  • Farm bill compliant and legal in most states*
  • Fortified with vitamin E
  • Best microdose for calm and balance


✨ BONUS! Free shipping available on bulk orders!

NOTE: Shipping restrictions may apply. We ship only where legal. Orders more than $300 require signature at time of delivery. No refunds for shipping costs on return orders due to lack of signature.

Availability: In stock

cbdMD delta 9 softgel capsD9 Softgel Caps - Microdose - 1mg ea - 60pc | Apotheca.org BEST DELTA 9 ONLINE, FREE SHIPPING!*

✅ Buy cbdMD Delta 9 Microdose Softgels at an Apotheca dispensary near you, or at apotheca.org for FREE SHIPPING!* Your sanity saver is here to help you Chill! Whenever the daily grind gets you down, microdose your way to a calmer, more focused mindset with 11 mg of cbdMD's high potency, full spectrum Delta 9 THC, formula in a perfectly portable to-go tin!

These cbdMD Chill softgels are packed full of premium hemp-derived CBD and just a touch of THC to help you crush the daily rush. With all that game-changing goodness packed into one small microdose softgel, you can have the all-day support you need – anytime, anywhere!


Dosing delta 9 edibles

These microdose softgels are an easy, discreet way to take advantage of all the benefits a high potency, full spectrum formula offers. Each softgel contains only 1 mg of THC so you can enjoy the benefits of calm and focus, without that “high” feeling. We recommend starting with 1-2 softgels every 4-6 hours, and then adjusting as needed once you know how you respond; however, you should not take more than 8 softgels in a 24-hour period.

It’s important to note that everyone reacts differently to THC. You may notice that they have an intoxicating effect and/or cause drowsiness. With that in mind, please do not drive or operate heavy machinery after taking the softgels and do not combine with alcohol or other medication.

Another factor to consider is the amount of time required for a softgel to be digested. For best results, consume the dose before eating or eat with food, to facilitate the highest rate of absorption into your system.

Remember, until you understand the effect of these softgels, start low and go slow, before deciding to consume more. The most common problem caused by edibles happens because people dose too much because of delayed effects.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis known for potential therapeutic effects on anxiety, pain, and sleep. It doesn't create a "high" like THC. Its impact varies among individuals, often inducing relaxation or reducing stress, but effects can differ based on dosage, method of use, and individual body chemistry.

Apotheca delivers the goods

When looking for the best online dispensary to find premium THC ediblesflowerconcentratestopicalstinctures and more, Apotheca.org is home! We also have incredible kratom and microdosing mushrooms too! And, when getting your favorite goods, make sure you check out all the cool accessories we carry for herboil as well as CBD products for people and pets!

Bonus! Free shipping available on bulk orders! Please note: Shipping restrictions may apply. We ship only where legal.

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